Focus On Customer Questions
One sure way to hit on topics that your audience will read is to listen to your audience, AKA your customers. Many have questions about your products or services and will look for answers on your website before calling a sales rep or service agent. Turn items on your FAQ page into their own post, or ask customer-facing employees what common issues they see.
Rescope A Previous Topic
Round-up posts are a great way to test the popularity of a topic to decide if you should elaborate on it in future posts, so look at how your “numbered” posts perform. Did you do the “Top Ten Ways to Stay Focused at Work”? Try a post that expands on a single point from that list, and dive deeper.
Reformat Or Re-Angle
Looking for an easy way to get the most out of topics you’ve already covered? Try creating additional content in a new format, like an infographic, podcast, video, interview transcript, or checklist. Alternatively, cover the same topic with a different segment of your audience in mind. Did you focus on connecting with moms in the last post? How about writing one for dads next time?
What’s Trending?
News and social media are great sources of inspiration. What stories are relevant to your business and customers’ lives? Even if a viral post seems completely out of your wheelhouse, you may be able to relate it to your business and create some truly unique posts.
Lean On Google
Google has been finishing our sentences for years by suggesting popular keywords when we do a search. Let them finish your blog post ideas, too, by typing in a topic that’s relevant to your niche and seeing what pops up. You can also use Google Trends tool to find out the best time to post relevant content or get ideas one rising topics.
Outdo A Competitor
Want to cover a popular topic and steal some customers away from your competitors at the same time? Check out what others in your industry are getting lots of likes, comments, and shares on, and cover that. The key here is to do it better by investing more in research, getting a better-known expert to interview, or going into greater depth on the topic.
At cThru Media, we use all of these strategies and more to keep our clients flush with content. Whether you need ready-to-post articles or a ready-to-write list of SEO-friendly topics and titles, we can help get rid of your writer’s block woes. Contact us today to get started!